Content Writing Tips For Beginners
Our previous discussion which was on ‘Who Is an SEO Content Writer? How To Become One’ was an interesting piece I believe you enjoyed reading. One of the surest way to reach your ideal customers is to put to work strategies to meet them online.
Online marketing has become an integral part of our lives. Having a strong brand which has been accepted online gives you the edge over others. This is because your brand’s name becomes more familiar with potential customers. You might be wondering how you can start when your presence online is weak.
Sometimes, it is just about the content of your marketing strategy that will do the magic for you. You may want to know more about content writing and how it can help your brand in its quest to reach more customers. We are about to go into details.
What Is Content Writing?
Content writing is basically an online writing which is geared towards reaching online audience. Content writing is for many reason. People want to get views and as much as they want the views, they start to write their own contents or copy from other websites. Businesses might want to increase customers visit to their site to show them new products.
Business owners mostly hire content writers to write high quality articles for their blogs, business websites, social media posts etc. The writer who has been hired should understand the the customer’s and their wants, write successful content that will appeal to their needs and urge them to take an action which is, to make a purchase. In so doing, the business owner makes sales and is able to pay content writers.
Importance of Good Content Writing
Good contents makes the visibility of businesses strong and sets the pace for your brand to be recognized. Below are some points listed on the importance of quality content for client’s consumption.
Competition Is Everywhere:
As a brand, there are others competing with you for the same spot on the market. How do you stand out from others in terms of digital marketing? You should come out with high quality content to give you an upper hand over other brands and make yours the go-to in the market space. Some people who are interested in your goods and services have to find you and to find you, they need to read more about your content indicating how you offer services to your clients. Your content writing skills must speak for you and raise the interest of potential customers to deal with your brand directly or indirectly.
Think of Quality Not Quantity:
Provide quality content on your website. Content that is well written and gives detailed information attracts customers. There are millions of contents online and people do not stay on a particular website for long if articles do not affect them in any way. Articles that have no impact on their needs tend to be non relevant to them. And so the best way to stop people from scrolling your website and make them read is to put good content on your site.
SEO Best Practices Key:
Google and other search engines are changing their standards to Meet high quality ones. This is to make readers receive high quality content results for their searches. If you do not have an SEO expert working for you, then you are missing a lot. SEO experts have the knowledge in writing good SEO Content to meet the requirements of search engines and rank your contents high. You can do yourself and your website good by writing well researched and fact-based contents on your site. Such contents are are highly recommended by Search Engine even with low SEO work on your site.
Authority On The Web Is A Plus:
Having authority over your contents on the web gives you an upper hand over other brands in the market. Asserting your authority by giving in-depth analysis on issues by speaking to facts and making analysis based on the subject, gives the notion, you know what you are about.Majority of people due to their busy schedules use their phones, tablets, PC’s to search for contents online. To put your brand ahead online, you need to give your audience factual information about product’s and services your brand provides. This tailored information helps your client to know more about your brand and what your brand stands for.. It can be in the form of analysis, tutorials etc. within your piece.
Types of Contents
Every content has its own use and purpose. You need to learn when to use each type to hit the right target audience you desire.
Email Newsletters: You connect with your audience through email. Connecting with your customers through email can be done when your clients subscribe to your brand’s website to be updated on a daily or weekly basis about your products and services. Immediately you update your website, subscribers get notified.
Social media: Your contents can be shared on social media as well. Reaching a wide group of people on social media can be exciting. Your contents might meet the needs of social media users and it is best to target your audience well. Talking about social media, it includes Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, TitTok and what have view.
Blog posts: Sharing information is very critical in earning the trust of customers. What will customers say about your brand be it a pharmaceutical company, electronics company, online portal etc. to friends and family in order to convince them to access your services. The information you put out speaks volumes about your business. It is therefore important to put out credible information for customers’ consumption
Informational Articles: This gives you the opportunity to put out long-form information to customers and such messages carved should be valuable.
Steps In Writing Good Content
You may wonder if there are procedures to follow to be able to write good content. Following a set of principles in writing contents can be a standard for you to bring out articles of your own. Research before you start writing contents. When you have the needed information in a particular field you write off head. Below are some of the points listed to guide you.
Research And Planning:
Do not have the intention of writing anything for your readers. Take them seriously and do proper research in order to come out with good contents filled with valuable information. It builds the trust people have in your article. When people have trust in your content, they trust your services as well.
Planning falls in line with research. When you plan and research, you will be able to put things together and come out with great content that is well edited and has the right information.
Having your goals can let you know the type of content to write, your target audience, your style. You also need to conduct keyword research. Find out the best keyword that is ranking high on search engines in relation to your content. The keywords you search for and write on tells search engines what your content is about and gives your piece a theme.
Be informed on the most searched topic about your field of business or work. Understand what people love to search about and understand why they search for it. People might search on that particular topic for information, weighing his or her options before making a purchase, the person searching on that topic might be looking for the location and many other reasons.
Have a guiding principle for your contents. You can create an outline that will help you decide how to go about your content. For instance, lecturers give outlines for their courses to students. This helps students become aware of the next topic after the previous is treated.
A guiding principle helps your research and planning process. It makes you first take into account the most important topic to research since you have a guiding principle. And last thing you should consider in this chapter is to have a content calendar. A calendar reminds you of writing dates, publication deadlines and so much more.
Writing And Editing:
Writing your articles is as important as any other point listed in this piece. Write simple and easy-to-understand articles to help win the interest of your readers and build their trust as well. When writing feel free to write and write captivating contents. In writing, create a title for your content. You might be wondering why I’m asking you to write a title for your article because every article has a heading.
The title of the article summarizes the content and should anyone read the heading without going deeper into the content, the reader understands the focus of the content. Titles should be interesting enough to get more people clicking on them. The titles should not be misleading. For example, having a topic like “Who Is an SEO Content Writer? How To Become One.” the story should hover around the title.
The Meta description is another important area in your content writing. What should readers expect in your article judging from your Meta description. Meta description is 160 words or fewer including your keywords in brief. It helps Google bots crawl your website and display it to searchers.
Editing is an essential part of content writing. Without editing your contents, there is no need for you to write in the first place. Editing makes you aware of certain grammatical and concord errors in your content. A statement which is poorly constructed does not speak well of your brand. Having time to edit your contents is a plus because contents with well organized sentences ranks higher in Google.
Publish Your Content
Publishing is the last process in content writing. Publishing your content allows your audience to engage with your article, share it and add their voice to it. Your content can be shared on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc for your audience to engage with it.